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Tumulus project - Kosztolányi Dezső Színház

05. oktobar 2009.
Više detalja
Our project is a journey. The duration will be a couple of weeks, out beyond our hysterical western peninsula.
A journey on the continental platform, where the Empire leaned back on the East. Another echo resounds here, the emanation is different. In these lands the 'Where' matters. Rather than a feeling of Nowehere, there is a feeling of Everywhere. There is a different way of seeing space, time, the earth, the moment … beauty…. We will follow a geopoetic path: sixteen artists will take part in that journey (twelve dancer-choreographers--Greek, Chinese, Macedonian, French, Italian, Albanian, Polish--three musicians, a philosopher-translator) and a video director; three general stage managers and three coordinators.
Some when in September we will leave Paris by plane. Then we will proceed by land, by cars or trains, so as to be able to stop, to fork, to wander, to submit to the fortunes of the road, to split up and find each other again…
At each stop we want to meet others, we want to perform and we want to work. Each one of us will journey with, in his suitcase, a solo show. Along the way perhaps the show will be transformed -- changed, colored, mutating… 'smoked' by the road. In each city, in each theatre the performances will present three artists in different combination for three nights. Our desire is to interact with the audiences and other artists through workshops, exchanges, and experiments. But randomly the disciplines could leave themselves to rub up against otherness in transitions, clashes, hybridizations and/or contamination.
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