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Void Inn vs. The southern society

07. decembar 2013. u 21:30 časova
Klub "Mladost" Više detalja
* THE SOUTHERN SOCIETY (Subotica, RS) facebook.com/pages/THE-SO … IETY/112839117869?fref=ts * VOID INN (Los Angeles, CA - Beograd, RS) facebook.com/VOIDINN?fref=ts ulaz: 150 RSD - VOID INN (Los Angeles, CA - Beograd, RS) ----------------------------------------------------- Dark Hard Rock / Heavy metal Void Inn je hard rock/metal bend formiran 2010 god. u Los Andjelesu. Formirali su ga clanovi Jelena Vujanovic (vokal) i Sinisa Pejovic (gitara), koji su za to vreme zavrsavali studije na prestiznom Musicians Institute-u u Holivudu. Bend mozete prepoznati po zestokim rifovima (Ala Black Sabbath), neparnim ritmovima, virtuoznim gitarskim deonicama i jedinstvenom vokalu velikog raspona tonova i sirokog spektra boja. Void Inn se ubrzo istice i probija na urbanoj L.A - rok i metal sceni izmedju ostalog gostujuci po kultnim klubovima na Sunset Strip-u kao sto su Whiskey a Go go, Rainbow, Key club, Viper room sa uvek zapazenim nastupom. Krajem 2010 god. bend ulazi u studio i samostalno snima demo cd sa tri autorske pesme. Demo dobija pozitivne kritike na raznim internet sajtovima koje pomazu da se bend rangira veoma visoko na web sajtu reverb nation. Pesma "Last Exit For Lost" je bio pustan na nekoliko internet radio stanica u S.A.D i Kanadi. Zvuk benda je pod velikim uticajem rada sastava kao sto su Danzig, Alice in Chains, Down, Megadeth.. Tekstovi su mracni i opskurni napisani na engleskom jeziku cineci jedinstvenu celinu sa muzikom. Krajem 2011 god. bend se premesta u Beograd i dobija pojacanje u vidu nove ritam sekcije: Marko Djoric (bas gitara) I Nebojsa Mandic (bubnjevi) Pored velikog broja klupskih svirki sirom Srbije Void Inn ste do sada imali prilike da cujete i na raznim festivalima izmedju kojih su najznacajniji Zajecarska Gitarijada, Lake Fest (Niksic) I SLF (Sabac). - THE SOUTHERN SOCIETY (Subotica, RS) -------------------------------------------------- heavy/southern metal The Southern Society is a heavy/southern metal band from Subotica, Serbia. It’s the brainchild of singer/guitarist/songwriter Tibor Szloboda, and guitarist/songwriter Endre Tolnai. They started the band in June of 2008, after a few years of plannig. In the summer of 2008 both of them were on hiatus from their previous bands: Amok (Tibor) and Nowhere-Drive (Endre), so they decided to start the long awaited project. Even before they started searching for the other 2 members, they began writing their own material for their upcoming debut album. In October of 2008 Endre recommended drummer Marcell Roncsak, also from Nowhere-Drive to join the band. In February 2009 they recruited Sandor Dorogi, a local musician to join the band as their bass player, and completing the official line-up. In 2012, Attila Nemet (Amentes, ex-Amok,ex-Raze) became the new permanent drummer for The Southern Society. The 4 members had very different musical backgrounds, but they also had a lot in common, so this helped in the development of their own sound. It could be best described as a mixture of heavy metal and southern metal/rock with some progressive elements. They have recently finished the recording process of their first demo album, and they are currently gearing up for their upcoming concerts.
Void Inn vs. The southern society
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