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VRB party (second chance)

11. februar 2012. u 22:00 časova
Q Bar Više detalja
SATURDAY 11.02. START 22h ~ V R B ~ PARTY @ Q BAR !! Zbog vremenskih prilika ostali smo Vam dužni žurku kakvu smo u startu i planirali !! ... Repetition: - An alcoholic drink most commonly known as a VRB. Also known as a Vod-Bomb, Birch, Vod Bull, or a 'DVR' (double vodka red bull), it is a cocktail made by mixing vodka and energy drink Red Bull. It is generally popular among 18–30 year olds in bars and nightclubs around the world. Red Bull has been used as mixer in Europe since the 1990s, but the drink became especially popular in North America in the 21st century. - The ratio of Vodka to Red Bull varies widely, but is usually around 2:3. In some places it is customary to serve an entire can with a single shot of vodka, in others a can may be split between several glasses, each containing several shots of vodka. The Red Bull dominates so that the flavor of the alcohol is not too strong. awaits you: DeeJay Miljan Božović (NS) Sexy & adorable Promo Girls GO GO dancers Promo price of VRB Reserve & Info : 064/1-789-111 ~~ Vaš Q Bar~~
VRB party (second chance)
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