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Secret Cinema - Projekcija

15. februar 2024. u 19:00 časova
UG "Klara i Rosa" Više detalja

Spremite se za projekciju SECRET CINEMA u četvrtak, 15. februara u 19h u prostoru Klare i Rose (Petefi Šandora 15)

Pravila su jednostavna: ne znamo koji će film biti prikazan, osim da je dokumentarac sa savremenom tematikom.

Program uređuje Petar Mitrić. 

Ulaz je slobodan, ali ste slobodni ostaviti i donaciju kako biste podržali buduće programe u našem prostoru.



Get ready for the SECRET CINEMA screening in Klara i Rosa on Thursday February 15th at 7pm. ?️

The rules are simple: you don’t know which film will be screened.

This time we will screen the film with English subtitles and all we can say for now is that it will be a DOCUMENTARY on the contemporary topic. 

The joy of watching films together is priceless and we want to join the international and local audience of Subotica in this exciting experience and exchange of knowledge and observation from both sides for the sake of better understanding and future coexistence. 

After the screening we will talk about the contemporary views on tolerance. 

Entry is free, but you can always donate in support of the future programs.

#secretcinema #klarairosa #subotica #community #communitybuilding

Secret Cinema - Projekcija
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