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Ana Never (Subotica) & Rosa Parks (Hungary)

16. maj 2014. u 22:00 časova
Klub "Mladost" Više detalja
Ana Never (Subotica) Rosa Parks (Hungary) ulaz: 150 RSD * * * Ana Never facebook.com/ananeverband ananever.bandcamp.com flutteryrecords.com/ananever.html Ana Never je bend iz Subotice (RS) postoji od proleća 2002. Njihov poslednji album "Small Years" od pojedinih svetskih kritičara je proglašen za “jedan od najboljih post rock albuma snimljenih u 2012.” Ove godine možete da očekujete objavljivanje njihovog novog albuma i jednog live albuma. * * * Rosa Parks rosaparkshun.bandcamp.com facebook.com/rosaparkshun Rosa Parks was an African-American civil rights activist, whom the United States Congress called "the first lady of civil rights" and "the mother of the freedom movement". And there is a postrock band from Hungary, named after her. Formed in 2007, creating instrumental songs with strong influences of postrock-math-punk-indie music. The debut album "Black Is The Color Of Bondage, Blue Is The Past" (2010), they released a split EP with the legendary ANA NEVER from Subotica (2011). Rosa Parks is going to release their new studio album in april 2014, called "I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream For Mainstream", and pomoting with an EU-tour. Right after that they will come again to Subotica to share the stage with Ana Never and play the songs of the new record in Club Mladost.
Ana Never (Subotica) & Rosa Parks (Hungary)
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