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Dj. Saša Radanović
Dj. Saša Radanović - Sax caffe
Born in year 1975 in Novi Sad. First interest in electro music came in early teenage years in the beginning of nineties. First contact with DJ world was in club Feeling in Temerin where he had 1st resident as a DJ. After many years of the experience, success and being resident in many clubs as well as a lot of elite cafe bars, he became one of the most wonted disk DJ in Novi Sad and the whole region. Year 2009 with other three colleagues he became a founder and a member of the DJ organization named Old Star Dj's. He became the resident in club Q- Bar in Subotica and in the famous club Giardino in Novi Sad , along with club Raffaello in Budva where until now days where he is its main resident.
Working Experience : ex Sport Caffe ( NS), ex Club Models ( NS), Club Studio ( NS), Caffe Modena (NS), Club Pashanga (NS), Caffe Sax( SU), Club Q -bar ( SU), Club Amnesia( NS), Club Clinika (NIS), Clum Miami ( NS), Club Giardino( NS), Club Raffaello ( BD-MNE).. ect.
★★★★★★>>>GO GO DANCERS <<< ★★★★★★
★★★★★★>>>GOOD VIBRATIONS<<< ★★★★★★
★★★★★★>>>FREE ENTRY<<< ★★★★★★
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