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WiDS - Women in Data Science Conference Subotica

25. april 2019. u 12:00 časova
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The Women in Data Science (WiDS) initiative aims to inspire and educate data scientists worldwide, regardless of gender, and support women in the field. WiDS started as a conference at Stanford in November 2015. Now, WiDS includes a global conference, with 150+ regional events worldwide including a datathon (encouraging participants to hone their skills) and a podcast (featuring leaders in the field talking about their work, and their journeys).

Our program contains three presentations by women directly engaged within the world of data science, a workshop on how to build and develop a DS communication tool by setting up a website. There will also be a panel discussion relating to the engagement of women in the DS Community with a focus on the local region. To create a more dynamic debate and to facilitate wider engagement the panel discussion will be video linked with R-Ladies Belgrade meetup event.

Key note speakers:

Olivera Grljević is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics in Subotica, University of Novi Sad. Her research interests are focused on sentiment analysis, text mining and data mining. Her current research projects include application of machine learning and data mining towards the extraction of business knowledge from unstructured data and development of resources for natural language processing for the Serbian language. She has participated in 8 research projects and authored more than 50 scientific or professional papers. Her most recent publication is "The linguistic construction of sentiment expressions in student opinionated content: a corpus-based study".

Valentina Djordjević works as a Data Scientist at Things Solver. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Information Systems and Technologies and a Master’s degree in Business intelligence, at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Organizational Sciences. The main fields of studies she focuses on the most are time series analysis and anomaly detection techniques. She has a strong technical knowledge in the field of Data Science, including programming (Java, Python, SQL, ETL), statistics (descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, probability theory,…), modeling (machine learning algorithms – neural networks, random forest, linear regression, k-means, isolation forest, association rules, recommender systems, ARIMA models…) and visualization (Matplotlib, Plotly, Tableau,…). Data science problems that she’s been working on are coming from various business domains, from telecommunications to retail and banking, where she’s dealing with forecasting, predictive maintenance, anomaly detection, segmentation, churn prevention, etc.

Bojana Milašinović is a former student of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts, graduating as a Manager - producer in theatre, radio and culture. At the same faculty she completed her master's degree program in the Management of Culture and Media. In addition to various cultural engagements, she is one of the initiators of the Rails Girls Belgrade Community, and a passinate advocate of the inclusion of a larger number of women in the tech community. Together with her colleague, in 2015, Bojana founded the Spacevent organization that deals with the design and implementation of educational programs in the field of IT, as well as various events in this domain. In addition, she is cofounder of ENTER conference with a focus on current technologies and an emphasis on women’s achievements within it.

At the end of proceedings, we would like to invite all participants for refreshments at a informal networking event sponsored by InfoStud.

All genders are invited to attend WiDS regional events, which feature outstanding women within the DS community. WiDS Subotica welcomes anyone with an interest in DS. The goal is to promote DS, exchange knowledge and create a DS community among women. We are fully inclusive and respectful of LGBT identities and are welcome anyone interested in the field of DS.


WiDS - Women in Data Science Conference Subotica
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