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Bitef Theatre (SER): Woyzeck, Hinkemann case - Scena Jadran

25. novembar 2009.
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Based on Woyzeck by Gorg Büchner and Hinkemann by Ernst Toller.
Directed by: Ana Tomović

"It is silly to claim that we feel what we can hardly understand."
The new production of Bitef Theatre, Woyzeck - Hinkemann Case, is a dramaturgical and directorial experiment, taking two classical German plays, Woyzeck by George Büchner and Hinkemann by Ernst Toller as its starting point. It is concerned with the issue of endangered masculinity in Serbia today. It is an attempt to reflect on current post-war reality in Serbia from the perspective of a generation that lived through the 1990’s utterly inadvertently.

Start at 18.30hrs

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