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Scene Gorica (HR): Drunken process - Scena Jadran

26. novembar 2009.
Više detalja
Author: Bernard-Marie Koltès, based on Crime and Punishmentl by F.M. Dostojevski
Directed by: Ivica Buljan

The play had its premiere in October 2008, in Scena Gorica theatre.
A year after he wrote his first play Bitterness using a new and fresh approach to My Childhood by Maxim Gorki, Koltès decided to try and tackle an adaptation of one of the most famous novels in human history Crime and Punishment. In order to present this unique masterpiece by F.M. Dostojevski, in his play, Drunken Process, Koltès uses internal chaos in Raskoljnikov and alcohol induced hallucinations of Marmeladov . The tragic and grotesque death of Marmeladov takes us to Raskoljnikov 's world of ultimate desperation. Cut off from the outside world, Raskoljnikov analyzes his crime…
(Dostojevski and Koltès are strongly connected by the ever-present feeling of nostalgia that runs through their work.)
"I don't want my part of the sky any more, I don't want my part of the rain, nor my part of the world. I want the whole sky, all of the rain. I want to cut space with a knife…" says Raskoljnikov

Start at 19hrs

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