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National Theatre Štip (MK): Runaway - Kosztolányi Dezső Színház

27. novembar 2009.
Više detalja
Author: Vasil Iljoski
Directed by: Dejan Projkovski

Has Runaway returned, with its whole irony to truly withdraw us from our¬selves and from our numberless confu¬sions or it has returned to leave us for good and eventually to escape in those voids, which we do not want to look at because the light hurts our eyes.
Does Runaway with its all irony and grotesque parody would like to present our own prisons, our powerlessness, our total closure in front of the fake golden calf, before it leaves us?
Runaway as a kind of Orpheus, is trying to find the hell through the dark and the last sound, not with its harmony.

Start at 19hrs

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