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Béla Pintér and Company (HU): Dievouchka - Scena Jadran

28. novembar 2009.
Više detalja
In Dievouchka we see staff officers, officers, privates and Jews on forced labour,mingling with each other. It is them, who move the story forward in the army barracks, the dancehall and out in the remote and vast Russian steppe. Its presentation is elevated and all-black-and-white, both in the broad and the strict sense. The time is World War II: however, the story-line, as opposed to giving an historic account, is merely an assumption of the epoch. We created Dievouchka's particular musical style by blending elements of Puccini's late romanticism with operetta and radio hits of the day, some of which are emblematic even today. Throughout the whole play we sing. What the audience sees, is no operatic work. It is pure theatre with actors, whose voices are far from being beautiful, pacing in an extremely measured, odd way. We, who were born into perhaps happier times, with this work, would like to commemorate that ill-fated generation, who, just like us, cherished the hope of a brighter future. 'Everyone has got his Dievouchka'.

Start at 19hrs

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