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Djusi Kovač i Emir Hot sa prijateljima

29. jul 2016. u 22:00 časova
Bass bar Više detalja
Ethno, gipsy, jazz, sevdah, world music... Sve na jednom mestu u večeri 29. 7. u BASS baru u Subotici! Emir Hot Heavy Metal, Rock, Blues, Ethno, Traditional, Acoustic... Emir Hot, The Guitar Hero UK 2005, has been playing guitar since the age of 6. He was born in 1978. and lives and works in London. Graduate of The Classical Music School in Bosnia and Herzegovina and The London Guitar Institute, with 4 albums under his belt he has amassed formidable knowledge and experience. Following the title in 2005, he proceeded to work with renowned names of the rock/metal world on variety of session projects including film and theater. In recent years he dedicated some of his time to private and online tuition.
Djusi Kovač i Emir Hot sa prijateljima
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