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Clyde / In progress

29. maj 2015. u 21:30 časova
Klub "Mladost" Više detalja
CLYDE (Novi Sad, RS) Glam Rock local support: IN PROGRESS (Subotica/Bajmok, RS -------------------- Rock 'n' Roll -------------------- ulaz: 150 rsd CLYDE (Novi Sad, RS) ------ Glam Rock ------ Skyler Skrach, Ryder Scarr, Lukkie Starr and Wilddy Stixx are four guys, born to be rockstars, ready to take over the world with wide smiles on their faces and sinful thoughts. The band was founded in the summer of 2010 by two best friends, Ryder Scarr and Jessy Ex. The meaning of the band's name: Clyde was the name of one of Slash's snakes in the late 80's *you can see it in the video for the song 'Patience'*. Influences: Mostly 80's glam rock bands as Guns N' Roses, Motley Crue, Van Halen, Whitesnake, Poison...; but also some new glam rock bands as Reckless Love, Crashdiet, Vains Of Jenna, Jettblack, Santa Cruz, Steel Panther... Inspiration: We write about our lives and experience with love, girls, partying, getting plastered and sex... We are one of those bands who like to wear tight pants, bandanas, eye liner, shades, teased hair... All that shit from the 80s but a bit modernized We love to play, love the audience, love the feeling you get when you get up on the stage, love to drink and party and most of all we love good looking hot members of the female population. We've really grown together, we act like brothers, we go out together, drink together, party together, we are always there for each other. Like, if one of us is too shitfaced to fuck, some of the other three will be right there to fill the place. We can simply describe this band as a band of best mates. The band recorded their first studio five song demo album entitled Clyde - The First Time but sadly had to forget about it since we've decided to try a different approach. In 2014. we've released an EP ``Feel the passion`` with songs ``Again`` , ``Have you ever been do in love`` and a bonus track ``Like it hot``. All the world is a stage and we are here to make it into a show! If you want to experience a strong Clyde atmosphere by all means book us or come to our gig. You'll see what we mean :) . Born To Be Clyde! facebook.com/ClydeGlam?fref=ts IN PROGRESS (Subotica/Bajmok, RS) ------ Rock 'n' Roll ------- facebook.com/groups/185250131681412/?fref=ts
Clyde / In progress
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