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Via Negativa (SI): Out - Kosztolányi Dezső Színház

29. novembar 2009.
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Directed by: Bojan Jablanovec

OUT plays with the performer’s anticipations and the spectators’ expectations. Once they assume their place in the theatre, their roles are clearly divided: the performer is there to show something, the spectator to see something. The performer makes a claim on the spectator’s gaze (the stage), expecting attention and understanding; the spectator assumes the position of the one who needs to be seduced, expecting fascination. From the very start pride is inscribed into their relationship. It can be triggered by some lack, a void, an insecurity that opens up between them. OUT is a performance testing how the spectator and the performer will act out their roles in a situation in which it is no longer clear what they can expect from each other. Ten performers consciously enter the pride game. The spectators can accept the game and amuse themselves, testing how far the performers are prepared to go in a situation in which it is impossible to get anywhere, or they can demonstratively reject the game and leave the auditorium.

Start at 21hrs

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