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The Durgas

31. oktobar 2019. u 21:00 časova
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Spajanje autentičnog rege zvuka, afričkih i istočnoevropskih narodnih elemenata i muzike Američkih korena čini da pesme benda The Durgas budu ispred unapred utvrđenog standarda rok’n’rola.
Pre nego što je ovaj bend, braća Simmersbach su već bila poznata zahvaljujući svom angažmanu u tadašnjem bendu A Subtle Plague (1984 – 1998) sa kojim su snimali za eminentnu, nezavisnu izdavačku kuću Rough Trade. Kako je rastao njihov ugled kao jednog od najboljih lajv bendova u američkoj andergraund industriji, raslo je i njihovo umeće privlačenja fanova, naročito u Evropi, te su bili na turneji čak 4 godine uzastopno. Na tim putovanjima su nastupali sa imenima kao što su Iggy Pop, Mudhoney, Vic Chestnut, Jesus Lizard, Sonic Youth i Soul Asylum i mnogi drugi. Zahvaljujući posvećenim fanovima i nastupima koji se pamte, dospeli su u nemačko izdanje časopisa Rolling Stone, koji je tadašnji bend A Subtle Plague okarakterisao kao “Grateful Dead 90ih.”
Braća Benjii Simmersbach (vokal, gitara) i Christopher Simmersbach (vodeća gitara) crpe veći deo svog muzičkog uticaja iz detinjstva. Obojica su rođena u Bavarskoj/Nemačkoj, ali su odrasli u raznim delovima Tajlanda, Tanzanije, Malija, Senegala, Italije i SAD-a.
Muzika The Durgasa unosi zvukove i kulturu njihovog vaspitanja u muziku koju kreiraju, bez gubljenja kontakta sa korenima punk-rocka.
By layering authentic reggae, African, and eastern European folk elements over strains of heartfelt American roots music, The Durgas’ songs cut through rock ‘n’ roll’s insularity and pre-conceived standards.
Before The Durgas, the brothers Simmersbach achieved wide notoriety with their band A Subtle Plague(1984-1998), recording for the esteemed independent label Rough Trade. Along with a growing reputation as one of the best live bands in the U.S. underground grew their international appeal – A Subtle Plague gained an extensive European fan base that allowed them to tour for years in a row. On their travels the band performed with a wide range of musicians including Iggy Pop, Mudhoney, Vic Chesnut, Jesus Lizard, Sonic Youth and Soul Asylum, to name a few. Their communal way of touring and devoted fans led to Germany’s Rolling Stone magazine calling A Subtle Plague “The Grateful Dead of the ’90s”.
The brothers Benjii Simmersbach (vocals, guitar) and Christopher Simmersbach (lead guitar) draw much of their musical influence from their childhood. Both were born in Bavaria/Germany but raised in various parts of Thailand, Tanzania, Mali, Senegal, Italy, and the U.S. The Durgas‘ music weaves the sounds and cultures of their upbringing into their music without losing touch with their roots in punk rock.

The Durgas
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